Carbon surface

This is Carbon

Unlocking the essence of the element of life

The building block of all known life

Carbon doesn't just lie at the core of our work at BCS, it’s also a key element of everything that surrounds us.

Lately, climate changes have cast a somewhat negative light on carbon, particularly the potential of the often-criticized greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO₂).

Let's delve into the true essence of carbon – the foundational building block of our known world.


The building block of all known life

Carbon doesn't just lie at the core of our work at BCS, it’s also a key element of everything that surrounds us.

Lately, climate changes have cast a somewhat negative light on carbon, particularly the potential of the often-criticized greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide (CO₂).

Let's delve into the true essence of carbon – the foundational building block of our known world.

A solid piece of carbon
The basics

What is Carbon?

Carbon is the universe's fourth most abundant element by mass, crucially influencing the chemistry of all known life forms. From the tiniest organism to towering trees, majestic animals, and the intricate human body, carbon shapes organic molecules—proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and DNA.

Carbon traces its origin to stellar nucleosynthesis, where helium atoms fuse amid extreme temperatures and pressure within stars, forming carbon. On Earth, it manifests in various forms intricately woven into the planet's crust as carbonates, organic matter, and minerals.

Across billions of years, geological processes transform organic matter into fossil fuels—coal, oil, and natural gas—deeply storing carbon within Earth's depths. Guided by the carbon cycle, carbon moves through the atmosphere, oceans, land, and living organisms. This never-ending journey involves processes like photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, and erosion.

Carbon is in everything, everywhere, forever, and all at once – and our knowledge of it is continually evolving.

The earth
A closer look

The chemistry of carbon

Carbon is a remarkably versatile element that boasts a unique talent: it can form sturdy and enduring bonds with fellow carbon atoms or other elements. This skill enables the creation of an array of structures, birthing multiple physical forms which are referred to as allotropes.

Diamond and graphite are two common allotropes who showcase the incredible diversity among carbon-based materials. Graphite, opaque and dark, contrasts starkly with the transparency and resilience of diamond. The softness of graphite leaves its signature on paper, while diamond stands as nature's toughest material.

In recent decades, scientists have unearthed additional allotropes—spherical buckminsterfullerenes, ultrathin graphene sheets, and larger-scale structures like carbon nanotubes.

These compounds underscore carbon's pivotal role in both biological and material sciences, enriching the spectrum of applications and materials sourced from carbon-based compounds. As of today, around 200 million allotropes of carbon have been described by chemists.


Turning something badinto something good

While carbon plays a foundational role,

its connection with carbon dioxide, largely from burning fossil fuels, has negatively affected its reputation. Nevertheless, advancements in technology and initiatives focusing on renewable energy, improved energy efficiency, carbon capture and utilization technologies, and sustainable practices offer hope in overcoming these challenges.

Looking ahead,

there's a noticeable shift in perception regarding CO₂. It can be hard to grasp that the CO₂ in the air we breathe contains carbon, which essentially has the potential to become almost anything. Thanks to clean carbon technology, it’s transitioning from a problematic greenhouse gas to a sturdy, valuable carbon resource with a significant negative CO₂ footprint.

  • While carbon plays a foundational role,

    its connection with carbon dioxide, largely from burning fossil fuels, has negatively affected its reputation. Nevertheless, advancements in technology and initiatives focusing on renewable energy, improved energy efficiency, carbon capture and utilization technologies, and sustainable practices offer hope in overcoming these challenges.

    BCS lab engineers at work
  • Looking ahead,

    there's a noticeable shift in perception regarding CO₂. It can be hard to grasp that the CO₂ in the air we breathe contains carbon, which essentially has the potential to become almost anything. Thanks to clean carbon technology, it’s transitioning from a problematic greenhouse gas to a sturdy, valuable carbon resource with a significant negative CO₂ footprint.

    carbon in lab

The dual advantage of synthetic carbon

Technological progress is driving a significant shift by enabling the conversion of CO₂ into synthetic carbon, customized with specific properties ideal for diverse applications.

This synthetic carbon serves as a raw material across various industries, providing a dual advantage of curbing carbon emissions and generating valuable products.

For example, synthetic carbon derived from CO₂ can be utilized in steel production, aerospace-grade carbon fiber, electronics, sports equipment, various automotive components, and batteries for EVs and industrial applications.

This innovative approach aims to turn what's considered a problem into a resource for industrial applications and innovation, positively impacting both industries and the environment.

With this in mind, Bergen Carbon Solutions is confident in declaring carbon as the supermaterial of the future.

BCS employees in the lab