Annual General Meeting - 20. March 2023

Notice of AnnualGeneral Meeting

Shareholders in Bergen Carbon Solutions AS are invited to attend the general meeting at 25. April 2023 at 12:00.

The Annual General Meeting will be held as a digital meeting only, with no physical attendance for shareholders.

The deadline for submitting proxy form votes is 24. April at 16:00 CET.

Proxy may be registered here.

Live virtual attendance in the meeting here.
(Please log in BEFORE the meeting starts at 12:00 CET on 25. April 2023)

Please find attached notice, annual report including annual accounts, instructions for nomination committee and guide for online participation.

Financial-statements-2022.pdfpdfOnline-Guide-EN.pdfpdfOnline-Guide-NO.pdfpdfVedlegg-instruks-for-valgkomite.pdfpdfNotice 25.04.2023.pdfpdf